Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
World Diabetes Day! - A Surprise or Two.
As much as I hate that we have to have this day, I am thankful that we do. All of you who are raising awareness, educating others, and helping fight this disease get a huge thank you and ((hug)) from me. You are awesome!
I cannot count the number of times I have mentioned the online community and how it has saved my life. All of your stories, support, struggles, and love has made me take better care of myself and learn so much. I cannot thank you all enough.
So on to this big surprise I was teasing everyone about. The surprise is that I am moving. No, not to Minnesota, to my own site. I am moving my blog from Blogger to my own hosted site.
I know, not nearly as exciting but it is for me. I am limited on this site and on my own site, I will be able to do what I want and you all know how crazy that could be right? So, starting today, will take you to the main site and will take you directly to my blog page.
On the Ninjabetic site will be pictures, a blogroll, link to my cafepress store for all your Ninjabetic needs, and my blog. In fact, my entire blog, all 697 posts are on the new site.
I really would appreciate your feedback and understanding. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and for some reason, World Diabetes Day seemed like a good day to launch it.
Now I am sure you are wondering about the second surprise I hinted about in the title.
That surprise is waiting for you on Amy's blog. Enjoy and Happy World Diabetes Day!
I cannot count the number of times I have mentioned the online community and how it has saved my life. All of your stories, support, struggles, and love has made me take better care of myself and learn so much. I cannot thank you all enough.

I know, not nearly as exciting but it is for me. I am limited on this site and on my own site, I will be able to do what I want and you all know how crazy that could be right? So, starting today, will take you to the main site and will take you directly to my blog page.
On the Ninjabetic site will be pictures, a blogroll, link to my cafepress store for all your Ninjabetic needs, and my blog. In fact, my entire blog, all 697 posts are on the new site.
I really would appreciate your feedback and understanding. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and for some reason, World Diabetes Day seemed like a good day to launch it.
Now I am sure you are wondering about the second surprise I hinted about in the title.
That surprise is waiting for you on Amy's blog. Enjoy and Happy World Diabetes Day!
Friday, November 13, 2009
One More Day!
Last year I wrote a song for World Diabetes Day called "Not By Choice." It is available for purchase on iTunes or by using the link on the right side. My hope was to raise some awareness and some money for charity.
This year, people everyone in the blogosphere have been busy doing all kinds of cool stuff for WDD. I love it. The more of us out there putting diabetes in the forefront and educating, the better.
We can help destroy stereotypes, misconceptions, and myths. Just our voices can make people pay attention to the fastest growing disease in the world! You would think there would be "swine flu outbreak" pandomonium but there is not. People think diabetes is easy to live with. That if they lose some weight they will never have it. That is wrong. We need to educate.
So BIG UPS to Manny who broke it down in this interview. Thank you Manny. I am always impressed and thankful for you.
This year, people everyone in the blogosphere have been busy doing all kinds of cool stuff for WDD. I love it. The more of us out there putting diabetes in the forefront and educating, the better.
We can help destroy stereotypes, misconceptions, and myths. Just our voices can make people pay attention to the fastest growing disease in the world! You would think there would be "swine flu outbreak" pandomonium but there is not. People think diabetes is easy to live with. That if they lose some weight they will never have it. That is wrong. We need to educate.
So BIG UPS to Manny who broke it down in this interview. Thank you Manny. I am always impressed and thankful for you.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
An Answer is Coming
I got a call yesterday from my neurologists office regarding the MRI I was waiting for approval on.
So I have an appointment on Monday morning to have the MRI done and hopefully an answer to the strange way my head has been feeling. Remember the whole Spinal Tap, Can’t sit down to blog, Stand up Vlog week?
In case you missed it, I have been experiences this strange head rushes. The best way to describe it is, imagine a power surge in your head. I get a rush, my vision dims like I am going to pass out, and then it’s gone. This has happened at different times and I cannot put my finger any trigger.
It’s like when the air conditioner turns on and all of the lights dim, that is what it feels like in my head.
After the MRI, I am waiting to get the approval for an EEG. After that point if nothing is found we may need to try a whole different approach. I am just thankful that I found a neurologist who wants to help me any way she can.
In more medical news, I have scheduled another blood draw next week for my up coming endo appointment. This is the blood draw that will prove if I am a type 1 to my endo. Because, he doesn’t believe me apparently. And I’ll see if the CGMS and Symlin has truly helped my a1c. I am actually looking forward to the appointment.
I cannot believe World Diabetes Day is in 2 days! I am so nervous and excited and nervous. Did I mention nervous? I hope you like my surprise.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Different Kind of Soldier

Diabetes took away a dream of mine to be a soldier, serve my country, and fight for freedom.
But as of late I have tried to find a way to be a soldier of a different kind. Serving the world instead of my country. Fighting for freedom from a binding disease. Battling the war against Diabetes.
I am no doctor or medical professional in any way shape or form. Nor do I have any business entering a lab except to have blood drawn. Personally, I have no way to come up with a cure. No, my fighting has to happen out in the streets and in the world.
Writing this blog is a way I fight. I try to be open, honest, and as transparent as I can be. My hope is that it adds some understanding to the ups and downs that come with this disease. We are all different so I never expect everyone to "get" all my posts but someone must and that means for that moment, that person feels less alone. That person feels apart of a community. And when they do...mission accomplished.
In talking to people I am constantly bringing up Tweets I have read, blogs I have commented on, and cool stuff happening around the Diabetes online community. Talking about it makes it educating easier. Letting friends ask questions and explaining things to them is a way of fighting ignorance and battling stereotypes. Especially when you hear those friends going out and correcting other incorrect information. I love that.
Walking for the ADA, raising money for the JDRF, donating money to the Diabetes Hand Foundation, or any other charity work you can do also helps in the struggle for a world rid of diabetes.
I know it is not the soldier I wanted to be but if I can help people in any way, then I am in.
Who's with me?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
You Tube Tuesday #145
Since this Saturday is World Diabetes Day and November is National Diabetes Awareness month, it is fitting that this video is featured today.
The Making Sense of Diabetes video contest that ran during the month of October has been completed and a FANTASTIC compilation video was put together. I am very proud to announce that the video Scott and I made won for the week we submitted so there are clips from it in this video. In fact, below this video is a list of the all the winners.
There were so many awesome videos submitted. I suggest you check them all out when you can.
Winners of the Making Sense of Diabetes contest were:
The Making Sense of Diabetes video contest that ran during the month of October has been completed and a FANTASTIC compilation video was put together. I am very proud to announce that the video Scott and I made won for the week we submitted so there are clips from it in this video. In fact, below this video is a list of the all the winners.
There were so many awesome videos submitted. I suggest you check them all out when you can.
Winners of the Making Sense of Diabetes contest were:
- Dennis Adair, PA
- Fabiana Couto, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Patricia Harmon, NJ
- Scott Johnson, MN
- Andrew Jones, CA
- Terry Keelan, CA
- Joseph Nielsen, TX
- George Simmons, CA
- Bill Woods, CT
- Lorraine, CT
Monday, November 09, 2009
D-Blog Day - Letters
Hey George,
How are you doing? I am still going strong. Destroying some blood vessels, attacking your major organs, and you know, other stuff I would rather not be too specific about just so you don't get in the way like you have in the past.
I remembered when you first started this whole blogging thing. Dang you really ticked me off. You used to not test your blood and eat whatever you wanted. Oh, I had a field day with your nerves, especially in your feet. But then you met all these people and started learning about stuff and you kind of slowed down my work. I was not happy with you mister and still have not gotten over it.
Then you heard about insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors and just had to have all that stuff too. Big deal, I am still here. You didn't get rid of me. You really have annoyed me though. My work has been slowed down but, it has not stopped.
In fact, I should be honest with you George since we have had over 19 years together. I almost had you last night. I know, I know, you were pretty sure you had things under control but I almost had you.
Remember when you woke up sweaty and feeling crumby and you knew your BG was low. Remember how you could not wake up your wife and then how you thought that maybe she just wanted you to die? That maybe she was on my team?
And then when you started thinking about how great your day was yesterday and all the stuff you did, and how you had a good day fighting me. Remember that?
All those thoughts were me, I was trying to get sneaky and finally move in for the win but you mustered up enough energy to sit up and when your wife woke up, I knew it was over. Oh well.
There will be more chances soon enough. I am patient.
Hey I know you hate me, and you think I suck and all that but honestly, at least I provide you with blogging material.
Yours forever,
Dear Diabetes,
I do hate you and you do suck. But I am lucky that I have found hundreds of people who fight you everyday. Who teach me about perseverance and hope. People who are there for me all the time and who hate you as much as I do.
If it were not for all this blogging and Tweeting and the online community you would have won. I was ready to throw in the towel and be done. But now I plan to fight until the bitter end. No matter what, I will continue to march on and take you down one day at a time.
Last night, I could tell my thoughts were out of wack. Why would my wife want you to win? Why would I start replaying the day as if I was just daydreaming? I knew I was low, what the heck was wrong with me?
I knew it was you making me think about different things and putting thoughts into my head. That was when I found the energy to sit up and turn on my lamp. I could hardly push the button because I was shaking. I had to do it, so I did.
Diabetes, you may be around for a while but I plan on slowing you down if not stopping you completely if a cure is ever found. I have not given up hope.
I will say, that although you are the basis of this blog, you are not the only thing I write about. In fact, if I was cured I was still write and still connect with my online family. I love them and I love that we are there for each other.
So watch out diabetes, you have one heck of a fight on your hands.
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