Sunday, November 25, 2007


Today we bid farewell to The Land of Enchantment. A 13 plus hour drive awaits us and of course I am dreading it but all and all it was a great time.

We all got to play in the snow yesterday just North 0f Santa Fe. I have pictures but I cannot get them on this computer for whatever reason.

Since we are running late I am going to have to save those for you until tomorrow. I know how much the OC loves pictures!

This post feels strangely like writing home during summer camp. I have not had a chance to read any blogs during this vacation so expect late comments from your Ninja friend.

Please pray, rub a rabbits foot, cross fingers, or light a candle and hope for a safe drama free drive for the Simmons'.


caramaena said...

Sending vibes your way for a drama-free drive home :)

Hope to see the pics soon.

Jillian said...

Oh yay pictures! I hope you make it home safe and sound.

Unknown said...

hah...I love the analogy of writing home from summer camp.

Hope you make it safely and quickly without tickets!

Looking forward to those comments and pictures most of all! :)

Kerri. said...

I prayed to a crossed rabbit's foot that was aflame.

Hope the drive was drama-free, my friend.