I won’t spend a lot of time asking for forgiveness for not posting. Whenever I hide away for a while and come back saying what an idiot I am, you all tell me, “don’t worry about it” and “it’s cool” so knowing what awesome readers I have I will say, thank you for supporting me even when I am being a whiny little brat that crawls away to hide for a spell. I love you heaps.
This post is going to be all about the greatest thing that has happened to my family in years.
My niece was born on Tuesday April 7th (shout out if that’s your birthday too) and is just the sweetest little thing. Mya is the 5th grandchild blessing the Simmons family and is bringing joy to all who see her.
This post is going to be all about the greatest thing that has happened to my family in years.
My niece was born on Tuesday April 7th (shout out if that’s your birthday too) and is just the sweetest little thing. Mya is the 5th grandchild blessing the Simmons family and is bringing joy to all who see her.

See? Told you. She’s a cutie.
Anyhow, the day she was born was delightful of course but it did not begin that way. In fact, I do not remember the last time I was as scared as I was the moment she arrived.
My wife, kids, brother in law, & best friend were all standing outside the doors to the labor and deliver area of the hospital. My sister had spent the night in labor, slowly progressing but as many of you know, it was a rough night. My older sister was in the room with the soon to be mom and dad helping them out. My sister's Mother in law and Sister in law (the soon to be new grandma and auntie) were literally outside the door to the room listening to what was going on inside and reporting back to us every few minutes since we knew it would be any moment.
“She just had the baby! I heard someone shout, ‘we have the girl’!” Barb, the new grandma, busted through the double doors and shouted out to us the good news. I immediately pulled out my cell phone to call my mother back in New Mexico and let her know her 5th grandchild was born. I hung up my phone quickly when I heard an announcement over the loud speaker.
We all looked at each other wondering what that meant since I knew my sisters room was Room 3. No sooner did the shock hit our faces that we started seeing and hearing people running down the hall. Doors were opening and staff was running down the hall towards my sisters room. We opened the double doors to see if in fact they were going to my sisters room when we were met by Barb with her hand over her mouth.
“I don’t know what happened but everyone is running into Jennifer’s room. I don’t know what happened.” We didn’t make eye contact so as to not share what we were thinking. No answers were coming from the nurses and staff that were still running past us. An endless flood of help but why? What happened?
In my head I could hear my mother wailing as I had to call and tell her that something awful had happened. I felt sick to my stomach and weak in the knees. My wife later told me she feared I was going to have a heart attack because of the look on my face.
“CODE BLUE NOW CODE PINK” A new announcement.
Paul’s sister, the new aunt, came around the corner and said that Code Pink meant the baby. “Blue is for mom and pink means the baby.”
A vision of my sister in tears came to me and I began to well up like I am right now remembering those feelings. It was awful.
No 4 words have brought me such relief. We all felt the tons of weight immediately lifted and I think for the first time in several minutes took in a breath. The sign we made was so loud it probably shook the walls and I know I began to cry immediately for every reason you can imagine but mostly, thankfulness.
To sum it all up, the code should not have been called. A nurse made a mistake and apparently the doctor that was in the room was not happy at all when 50 people came running into the room. We just figured Mya wanted to let the entire hospital know that she was here and they should all come and welcome her.
When I finally saw her for the first time I was so thankful that she was here, that her and her mom were okay, and that I had a sweet iPhone to snap a quick picture with that cute little hospital beanie that I always love.

Welcome to the family Mya!
I'm glad everything turned out OK and mom and baby are good. Congrats, Uncle George!
She is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. New babies are one of God's greatest gifts. Congratulations to your whole family!!
Now, about you...
I've been logging on and logging on and been a little worried about you George. You deserve a break, but please, peek in every once in a while and let us know you're okay. We love you!!
So happy to hear everything was ok. That would've stopped my heart. Reminds of when my sister gave birth and the Dr came in told us everything was ok with the baby "but unfortunately...." That unfortunately took about 10 years off my life I think.
Thankfully she was fine - just needed to be knocked out for the c-section instead of getting a spinal.
Have tears in my eyes just thinking about that emotional roller coaster you all went through....wow...thank god everyone is safe and healthy...she sure is a cutie! I can't wait to get my hands on my new niece in June...just can't WAIT! LOL
enjoy her to bits..they sure grow fast!
Congrats! :) She is so cute! I really need to hold a baby, I'm having baby withdrawl. I'm really glad everything was ok with your sister and the baby. That is scary. They called a code on my baby sister when she was born, because she was not breathing. SCARY STUFF. Its insane how fast everyone moves when a code is called but you feel like time is moving so S L O W.
She is beautiful, George. What a good face she has!
Congrats to you and your whole family!!!
Congrats Uncle G-Ninja!!
So glad to hear that everyone and everything is OK.
She's beautiful and precious and has an AWESOME Uncle G-Ninja!
You will of course introduce her to her first piece of BACON when she has all her teeth! ;)
Aha - pookie #2 in the family!
I am so glad she's here and healthy and that your sister is doing well! I realized when you were gone how much I missed your blogs, I am so glad you are back.
What a cute little one! I love being an Auntie!
Do the kids call you Uncle George or do you have a nickname?
I used to be Auntie YaYa - partially because s is a hard sound and partially because I never tell them no. :)
I'm so glad to know mom and baby are doing well- look at that sweet little face! Congratulations!!
Oh man, what a scare!
I'm so glad to hear that she and momma are healthy and happy. She is beautiful.
Awwww she's gorgeous!! :) Glad Mom and Mya are doing fine!
Congrats Uncle G!
George! I am so happy for Jen, and Mya is beautiful. I am so sure she was worth the wait!! Please congratulate her for me...lots of hugs!!!
About the codes....does our family do ANYTHING without DRAMA!! Sheesh!
Love you.
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