Cara’s hope is that in doing this we will learn a little more about each other.
I hope this goes good because you may not like me when you are done with this list.
1. By My Side – Godspell Soundtrack - This CD has become my life lately. Funny that this is the first in my list.
2. Beercan – Beck – This is off of Mellow Gold and it a total dance song. Love. It!
3. When I Come Around – Green Day – There is a funny theme happening.
4. Salute Your Solution – The Raconteurs – Jack White can really do no wrong in my book.
5. I Could Sing of Your Love Forever – Delirious? – Oh I feel like dancing. It’s foolishness, I know.
6. Anxiety – Black Eyed Peas – Why have I not deleted this song? LOL
7. Planet Earth – Duran Duran – The band so good they named them twice.
8. This is How We Do It – Montell Jordan – This, my friends, is a JAM!
9. Into the Mystic – Van Morrison – He is one of my favorite singers of all time.
10. With Rejoicing Hearts – Jaime Cortez – This guy came to my sister’s church and performed this song among others. It was awesome.
11. You Are My King (Amazing Love) – Newsboys – There is a lot of Christian songs shuffled in. A sign?
12. I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For – U2 – Bono is a hero of mine.
13. Island in the Sun – Weezer – I always forget how much I like them.
14. I Want It That Way – Backstreet Boys – And there it is! Hey, I WORK this song on Karaoke.
15. Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guy – Glen Hansard – From one of my favorite films, “Once.”
16. Bittersweet Symphony – The Verve – Ahh, this brings back memories.
17. Is There Any Love in Your Heart? – Lenny Kravitz – This is from back when Lenny was a good musican imho.
18. Whip It – Devo – This is the strangest shuffle ever.
19. No Vaseline – Ice Cube – Yeah, he was not so nice to the fella’s from NWA but then again, I don’t think they were nice back.
20. Devil Inside – INXS – Kick is such a great album.
When you look at the first song on this list and the last one, I think you get a good picture of who I am. Not perfect. Good and Bad. This is actually a really good representation of who I am. Very eclectic and all over the place, like a DJ with ADD.
I would love to read your lists. If you have time over the weekend do one of your own and post a comment so I can check it out!
Thanks Cara for the great idea!
I am loving your list! It's a good mix. :)
I told Karen I don't have an ipod because I don't know when or where I'd ever listen to it. The picture certainly offers me a possibility though.
Cool to see your list :)
Cara- Thanks, I am a nutty guy.
LeeAnn - My comment to Cara has nothing to do with that picture. I just found it but man is it funny or what!?!?
Awesome list.
No iPod here.
But I would listen to every song in that shuffle, gladly, over and over again.
any list that includes song #9 makes me love that person that much more!
good list... though... the Devo??
Backstreet Boys--there it is, indeed. Loved the list. Van Morrison is a personal favorite of mine, as well. I can't do my shuffle list at work--I tend to start singing along and desk-dancing to the songs. I'm doing mine this weekend.
Van the man - how much better can it get?
I was feeling very stresed today about job security and once I started thinking about music my mood instantly brightened.
Can't find my Ipod, but did a shuffle off my ITunes.
Your list was a diverse as mine! :-D I love Mystic and Amazing Love - 2 of my favs!
What a fun list. Chalk me up as antoher Van-Fan!! Thanks for reminding me that I need to put Into the Mystic on my iPod too. I put that on the DJs "must-play" list for my wedding - uummm, okay, I mean "our" wedding, but I pretty much picked everything out anyway. Especially the music - Pete's music taste is mostly terrible. :)
Van rocks. Great list (although, heathen that I am, I don't recognize the Christian music).
Mine's up if you want to check it out.
Recently diagnosed type 1 (age 45) - RE: Van Morrison - have you ever listened to his album "Astral Weeks"? If you like Into the Mystic...you've got to listen to Astral Weeks.
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