This year I was blessed enough to receive a bonus from my job. I was surprised since business has been a little slow but we got one anyway and I am very thankful. I knew that we had bills to catch up on but I just had to treat myself.
I HAD to have an iPhone.
Why you ask? Well, if any of you ever get the pleasure of meeting Cherise, be prepared. She will sell you on one of these things in minutes. AND after I saw the exchange between her and Scott with their iPhones and all the cool stuff they could do, I had to get one. Had. To.
So as soon as that bonus hit the bank my butt was headed to the Apple store. I got a 16 gig white 3G iPhone and I love it.

I have several apps but still have more to go. My obsession has been Light Bike which is a game that plays like the Light Cycles from Tron. HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!
I am checking emails, tweeting (if you are not on Twitter you should join up, it’s a blast), updating my Facebook status, and listening to music all on one device that fits neatly into my pocket.
Anyhow, I know this has nothing to do with diabetes except to say that there are some diabetes apps out there that I have yet to check out. Maybe after I get tired of Light Bike. Like that will happen.
If you know of any awesome apps PLEASE let me know. I must know. I want to be uber cool like all of you with your iPhone and your…..coolness. J
That's the iPhone I went for in Feb. It's extremely cool. I no longer needed my laptop, and in the next update there will be a killer app by Lifescan for the iPhone.
Hoping for the comm to be set up with the pump or CGMS too one day :-)
Blast from the past...I Loved Tron!!! Wow, that seems so long ago. I might have to get an Iphone just for that!
There is a killer app coming soon where you won't have to key any data in, your pump and meter will be able to beam the data to the iPhone. I know that is is going to work with the Ping and One Touch meter on their rf technology so it should work with the DexCom too. Here is a link to an article that Amy did over at
PS-Go download the free LOLcats app, it is too funny!
Everyone should have an Iphone! hahahaha I am glad you are enjoying it. I don't know about you but I've got my monies worth.
Fellow Iphone Addict
You can try an iPhone app called Glucose Bud for logging/emailing your blood sugar logs. It is a free app. in the app store.
I have an iPod Touch, and yep, I'm obsessed. I want the iPhone, but am not willing to deal with the contract.
My dad got us lost driving today and had about 50 maps laid out on his lap. I leeched onto someone's wireless and had turn by turn directions in the time it took him to unfold a map. And we didn't even know the name of the city we were in.
What the heck is an iPhone?
I've been using DiabetesPilot for iPhone. I find it very useful for recording glucose readings, insulin, excercise, and food. It has a fairly good food database but it's easy to add your own foods. It also helps to compute bolus doses. There are lots of reporting options, including email.
Try Pandora. You enter in a band that you like and the app automatically searches for and plays similar songs. I also use Glucose Bud.
hi everyone. i thought you'd like to see something my daughter just sent me. it's a video link for people like me who are on medicare and have diabetes. i don't know about you, but all those other commercial make me feel like i did something wrong. this one is so cute. they treat us like its no big deal.
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