Tuesday, December 11, 2007

You Tube Tuesday #50

Last Wednesday night the band I am in (called Feed the Five not the High 5's!) played at a church for their Advent Concert Series. This clip is of yours truly singing a song. If you guys like it I will show some more but I do not want to muck up the YTT's with little ole me!



Joshnkris said...

AWESOME!!!! I am so sad I missed it. LOVE YOU GUYS

Lea said...

*sways, holding lighter aloft*...

george, you have a wonderful voice. I've always loved Amazing Grace. Great job and thanks for sharing!

meanderings said...

Encore! Encore!

That was lovely - thanks.

Anonymous said...

i had goosebumps. you have an AMAZING voice! who would have ever known the Duuuuuuuude guy had such a rich smooth voice?! VERY VERY COOL!


Minnesota Nice said...

Oh for mercy sake, George. You do have a wonderful voice, and from this vantage point you look positively fit and trim!!!! (A shadow or your former self.)

I needed to hear that song today.

More, please.

Scott S said...

I'm impressed, maybe we can do a "We are the World" for diabetes! I nominate YOU to organize that, of course!

Donna said...

I don't think I've ever heard a ninja sing as beautifully as this. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever heard a ninja sing. LOL!

All kidding aside, this was a real blessing to hear. Like Kathy, I needed to hear this today. Thanks for sharing your talent & your faith with us!