I had signed up for the JDRF Walk for a Cure this year but it turns out we are busy that day. Between my meetings, George’s track meets, his band fieldshows, and Gillian’s soccer games we are pretty much booked every weekend until after Christmas! It is unbelievable.
For the past two years we have been doing the ADA walk but I really felt as though the JDRF is where I should focus my help. This morning I read a post by Jenny at Diabetes Update letting us all know how much of the funds raised actually get to the ADA. You should check it out.
Part of me feels like a flake since I won’t be doing a walk this year but I guess I will have to find another way to help.
After yesterday’s annoying lunch at work, I have been feeling like I needed a “pick me up” to make myself feel a little better.
This is not helping at all.
Crap!!! I had no idea the ADA gets so little of the funds raised. I can tell you I'm pretty pissed - and I'm also not going to break my neck trying to get donations for my walk. I know, not the best attitude because I guess it's better than nothing - but I don't feel like I need to knock myself out for pennies to the ADA. Thanks for linking this - next year I'll be signing up for the JDRF walk instead.
Oh, and don't be too hard on yourself for not walking this year. Life gets in the way, and family stuff is more important than anything. :)
I've been torn between the two monopolies of 'betes non-profits. I like that ADA does more awareness, but I like that JDRF sole focus is T1. I've done the JDRF walk for the last 3 years, even serving as a committee chairperson, but I have complaints about both organizations that have made it difficult for me to feel like I'm being true to myself by throwing my weight, what there is of it anyway, behind them. This year, I'll be arriving back home on a red-eye flight the morning of the JDRF walk so I decided not to do it.
I like some much smaller organizations, and I've tried to support them financially. They aren't based in my area though, so as much as I'd like to donate my time to get involved, that's not a practical option.
Diabetes has a way of making me feel ineffective already. When I feel that an organization that is supposed to represent me isn't effective, or I can't support a specific organization that I believe in, that just compounds my feeling of being ineffective.
I really like how Bernard has taken on fundraising for Dr. Faustman's efforts.
Noooooooo! I need to walk!
G'day George,
Well, it looks like you were the bravest and most honest person to come forth and admit you have no idea who Australia's Prime Minister is. (That's okay..we don't really know either.)
The Prime Minister of Australia is the Hon Kevin Rudd. He was sworn in last November, because we had enough of an old, crusty prime minister who was totally out of touch with the needs of a 21st century Australia. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I miss the old coot (John Howard)somedays.....
So, that makes you the winner of my "What's The Buzz" Day donation in your name. I will email you a receipt when it arrives. :)
Kevin Rudd. Rhymes with Dudd. His election catchphrase was Kevin07. Cringe. America, vote wisely, (and VOTE for that matter!!!)-I want you to have decent leadership.
Thanks George, I really appreciate your comments, and I love your blog!! In fact, I think it deserves a place on my Blogroll.
Take care, mate!!
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