Friday, April 04, 2008

20 Pounds Extra

Shirts, shoes, socks, underwear, pants, shoes, belt, tie, toiletries, jacket, beanie, scarf, and other stuff I can not even remember. It’s all packed up in a rolling duffel bag ready for departure.

George leaves tonight for his big trip to Washington DC.

Last night we went through everything and used these awesome compression bags to maximize space. We also weighed the bag to make sure it was below the 50 lbs. We came in at 30 so we are doing well. It turns out his little butt as compared to my fat ass takes up a lot less room! It works out well so he has some room to bring back souvenirs which I am sure he will. We triple checked his packing list and I believe we are good to go.

He got a bunch of Target (pronounced Tar-zjay) gift cards as Easter gifts to use for his trip so that took the financial burden off of us since the trip itself was a small fortune. We love the Target because you can get so much done in one place although the clothes are not nearly as “cool” as they could be apparently.

George went to Pacific Sunwear and got the “coolest belt ever." I saw it and said, “So that is the belt? You are going to wear that all over DC? Really?” My wife assured me that flannel shirts and torn jeans are not as cool as in the grunge days and that George is a very hip kid. I will admit that if a funky belt is all the concern I have with him, we are really doing okay.

I will try and get some pictures tonight from the school before the bus leaves to share with you all. I passed along all the kind words from all of you when I posted about him winning that writing contest so I know he would love it if I shared those pics with you.

When George was very little I asked him to always do his best and that with that, he would always make me proud.

He has.


Allison said...

I love Washington D.C. and I think it's so cool that George gets to go too. I was a little bit older than he is when I first went (I was just about to turn 14) and I thought it was awesome. There's something about being in D.C. that makes you feel very important! LOL. Don't be surprised if George comes back w/ a bit of strut.

Scott K. Johnson said...

Very cool G-Money! We are all so proud of little George too!

Donna said...

My son's class went to Washington DC when he was in the 6th grade. They had a blast. And he actually learned stuff. It was a win-win! I'm sure young George will have a great time - even wearing the funky belt!